Saturday, September 2, 2017

53-Confederate Monuments, Joshua and Stones

Civil War statue

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:12 PM

Hey John

            The Joshua idea sounds good.  Send me what you can as soon as you can, and I'll get busy on it.  We've got rain here, so not too much vineyard activity the rest of the week, so maybe I can get some thoughts down on paper.  We picked three varieties yesterday A-L-L  D-A-Y L-O-N-G...and night, but at least we got them in before the rain hit, so that's a plus, but today I'm like the walking dead. 



John answered at 4:13 PM on Tue, Aug 29, 2017

Hey Dana

            I am continuing to read Martyn Lloyd-Jones  book Revival. He uses scripture with each new chapter, as an introduction for what is to follow.  In Chapter 10, the scripture is:


21 And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones?

22 Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land.

23 For the Lord your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over:

24 That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God for ever.   Joshua 4:21-24 (KJV)


            This reminded me of what’s been going on in cities and towns around the nation for the past several weeks. As you know, I am a Southerner by proxy. While I admit I settled in Northern Virginia, none-the-less, I lived below the Mason-Dixon Line for about seven years.  I went to school (elementary, junior and senior high schools) in the era when state and national history was taught in almost every grade up until graduation. How could I know what it meant to be an American, if I didn’t know about America and Americans?

            In the on-line publication Townhall, on 10/22/11, Daniel Doherty wrote about the disturbing decline of the teaching of American history in the American school system in his article titled “The Decline of American History in Public Schools”:


The notion that American history -- a once a valued subject -- is no longer a priority in public schools is profoundly disconcerting. The denigration of history, in my view, will have dire ramifications as children grow up ignorant and unaware of the essential beliefs which have guided our nation for nearly three centuries.


            The below is from a news blog published in the Rocky Mountain Collegian written on 4/10/15  by Hallie Gardner, titled “Is American History Even Taught in Schools?”:


Before writing this blog, I did a little follow-up on the decline of American history being taught in schools. An article on writes, “A new report shows that students anywhere from high school to fourth grade are solely lacking in their knowledge of American History. Results from the 2010 gold standard of testing, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 13% of the nation’s high school seniors showed proficiency in their knowledge of American history, and only 18% of eighth graders and 22% of fourth graders scoring as well.” 


            I have been greatly disturbed by the PC police, the Liberal Left, and ignorant and cowardly politicians who have succumbed to (at the very least) misguided pressures to erase America’s past, or worse yet, who try to re-write it. Just as we have today, the good, the bad, and the ugly who make up America, that is who we were and where we came from.

While I don’t condone riots, we can’t remove our past, because that’s who we were and or are. While the mayor of Baltimore says her under-the-cover-of-darkness removal of the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson was to “The mayor has the right to protect her city,” she said. “For me, the statues represented pain....” As President Trump recently said (paraphrasing), “Where will it stop?”

            As you have said in the past Dana, this is not a political platform, so let me move on, and get back to our scripture. Lloyd-Jones feels that a failure to remember what God has done in the past is one of the reasons the Church in America is not seeing revival today. I don’t remember who gave it, but I have a previous message on my mind. It was titled “Your God Is Too Small.” I think these few verses in Joshua point to this. We serve the Almighty and Creator God. The Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And yet due to our humanity it is too easy to forget what God did for me yesterday, let alone about 3000 years ago. 

More Later



Dana’s Reply on 8/30/17

 Hi John,

      After the events in Charlottesville, (which I believe were staged events, as more and more eye witnesses are saying that things weren’t necessarily as the mainstream media reported them) I was wondering something.  I grew up in the late 1950’s and 1960’s.  One of the most vivid memories I have is of the struggles of the Civil Rights movement and Dr. Martin Luther King.  His speeches are now a part of the American lexicon.  Something I do not remember however, is any emphasis on, or criticism of the Confederate flag or Confederate monuments spoken of by Dr. King or any of his followers, including Rev. Jesse Jackson.  In effect they were non-entities in the struggle.  One would think if said flag and monuments were, in actuality, symbols of white bigotry and hate, they might have figured into the objectives of the Civil Rights movement. 

      Dr. Walter E. Williams, noted economist and educator, and also a black man, once spoke of the Civil War.  He was quick to point out that America had never experienced a civil war in its history, and that event we refer to as the “Civil War” was anything but. Civil wars are wars fought between two competing entities, both vying for the same objective.  The Southern states in the 1860’s were never trying to take control of the government of the United States; they simply wanted out of the Union and to be self-governing.  When the South seceded, it was the North that went to war to prevent it.

      Only a tiny fraction of Southerners were slave owners, as the South was largely agrarian, and most of the people were too poor to own slaves.  President Abraham Lincoln didn’t issue the Emancipation Proclamation, the executive order that freed the slaves until January 1, 1863, well into the war, which would better termed the War Between the States, instead of the Civil War.  Ulysses S. Grant, the Union general credited for defeating the South (and later President of the US) was a slave owner himself.  So the inflammatory rhetoric condemning the South of fighting the war over slavery is historically incorrect.

      The aforementioned Dr. Williams in his talk about the War Between the States also told about the first black soldier who was commissioned as a military officer was done so in the Confederate army, not the Union army.

      Pol Pot, the brutal Communist dictator of Cambodia christened his takeover of the country by declaring time was to begin over again for that country starting at Year Zero.  That is the same mindset among the new Communist left trying to erase our own history.  Erase a people’s history and culture, and then they’re easier to control. 

      As Hitler shored up his own power base by creating a “boogey man” for people to demonize and hate in the Jews living in Germany at that time, the same tactic is being employed in our own country.  Now it’s the white, (and predominantly) Southern, Christian who is the bad guy.

       I’ve said it before, and I stick to it, the Obama administration’s championing of gay marriage had little to do with the rights or well-being of the homosexual community.  Instead it was a shot fired across the bow of the Christian Church.  If you go back to the news of that time, the next day the rainbow colors were off the White House, but that’s when the lawsuits began against Christian businesses opting not to serve homosexuals.

      There’s a highly orchestrated move afoot that, as far as I can see, cares nothing for the rights or welfare of Black Americans, Hispanics, homosexuals, transgenders, or Muslim immigrants. Those people exist simply as a tool in the cloven hoofs of the “orchestrators” to cause division and strife, with the end game of assaulting the Church—the real enemy.

     Once the flags and the monuments are gone, are we so naïve to really think that that will signal the end to protests and hostilities in this country?  Watch, the crosses on the top of church steeples will be the next symbols of hatred and intolerance that will have to go.

      OK, some you might be tempted to think that as I write this, that I’m sitting in my well-armed, well-stocked bunker, comfortably adorned up on top of my head with a shiny tin-foil fedora, daily communing with Elvis, and waiting for the end.  Think me insane; you won’t be the first so to do, but speaking of “boogey men,” the real “boogey man” for Christians isn’t the liberals, or the PC crowd, or the Bilderberg Group, or the New World Order, or space aliens, or Black Lives Matter, or LBGTQ, it is antichrist.  I won’t go as far as saying it is THE ANTICHRIST of the end times—I don’t profess to know.  But the Apostle John wrote in his first epistle:

     “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.” (1John 2:18 ESV)

      It appears that “the last hour” has indeed been a long one, and is still with us.  If a day is as a thousand years to the Lord, then should we be surprised by long hours as well?  The forces causing all the trouble in our land and world are not political or social in nature—they are evil!  They oppose Christ and anyone who follows Him.  They will stir up and exploit anyone and everyone to apply pressure to the Church, if not outright destroy it.  There are (thankfully) a few obstacles standing in their way, but it is coming.

      There is a man with whom I am quite unfamiliar.  His name is Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, supposedly a converted Hindu, who is now preaching for Christ.  I cannot vouch for or denounce the man or his “ministry,” as I just haven’t had the time to investigate to see if he is the genuine article or a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  But in an article I was reading, he was quoted as saying:

     “The Lord spoke to me about this nation [America], ‘What you need is not a revival. What you need is to put your house in order.’”  

     And, on that point, he nailed it.

     We have discussed the absence of revival in our nation before on the blog. Devout and sincere people still pray for it. I don’t believe they are wrong to do so, but I’m inclined to agree with Mr. Selvaraj’s statement. I don’t know if God spoke to him or not—I wasn’t there, and I tend to be on the skeptical side of things when someone says “God spoke to me.” That phrase has been used a lot to justify all manner of things that may or may not line up with the Bible.  I do not doubt that God communicates with His people, but outside of special or particular guidance in difficult or perplexing situations, the answers we seek as believers are all right there in the Scriptures...if we take the time to look. 

      It would behoove Christians to be still a minute and reflect on just why, when so many sincere believers have prayed and prayed for revival, just why God hasn’t sent it. Perhaps God is indeed trying to prepare us for something that’s coming, rather than give us revival, which for many who seek it would be nothing more than Christian entertainment.  He provides our needs, not necessarily our wants. Jesus warned His disciples to get out of Jerusalem prior to 70 AD; is another warning coming our way, but one we cannot, or worse, will not listen to?

      If that is the case, we need to heed said warning, and become “Spiritual Preppers.”  Now don’t misconstrue my meaning; I’m not saying that Christians need to get off the grid, and stockpile firearms and canned food—not at all!  We neither fight with carnal weapons, nor do we live by bread alone. 

      Instead we need to prepare for that which appears to be coming upon the Church by getting real familiar with our Bibles—our only offensive weapon according to Paul in Ephesians 6, and, we also need to get our spiritual lives and “houses” in order.  Fasting and prayer might prove much more valuable tools in our Christian toolbox than an AR15 and freeze dried meals.

Talk soon,



John answered on 8/30/17

Hey Dana

            Keeping the thought going of remembering what God has done, I’m going to do that. (A minister once suggested to his congregation that they actually go outside and pick up a number of small stones to which they could attach memories of God’s goodness and provision. I had seven or eight stones on my bookcase for several years.)

            I’d like to thank God that He save and delivered me from drunkenness.

            I’d like to thank God for when, before Carol and I were married, I prayed for her over the phone and He heal her of lumps in her breast.

            I’d like to thank God for bring us together as husband and wife.

            I’d like to thank God for the few real friends that I have who have stuck with me through the years.

            I’d like to thank Him for all His provisions through the years.

            I’d like to thank Him for providing safe shelter even when I was homeless for a time.

            I’d like to thank Him for the several times, when we’ve had a falt tire or a car problem, we’ve broken down in a safe place.         

            I’d like to thank Him for our church and pastor and his solid teaching.

            I’d like to thank Him that over the past several years, in spite of the severe losses we have sustained, He has been there throughout it and and has continued to bless us.

            Thank you Lord for protecting Carol when she fell recently. That could have been very bad.

            Dana, I hope this is an encouragement to our readers to begin to remember God’s goodnesses and thank Him for them and His provision.

Grateful for your friendship


PS The home going of a good friend.


I don’t think you knew Jeanie Nye. She was a bit younger than me and attended Trinity A/G for years. She sang with a Gospel group when she was younger and continued to sing for the Lord her entire life. She was always doing something good for someone. When Carol and I were married 25 years ago, she did the flowers for our wedding. One of the decorations was a bundle of wheat to represent our place a a couple in the harvest field. She loved people and loved God. This morning after an off again on again bout with cancer, God took her home, peacefully. No more sorrows. No more tears. No more death. Just the land of eternal Son. I’m sure she’s singing His praises and enjoying every minute in the land where time will be no more....We’ll look for you when we get there Jeanie. You can show us around....


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